
  • Todd Wilke -

  • The Secretary shall be ex officio the Secretary of the Board of Directors, shall record the votes and keep the minutes of all proceedings in a file to be kept for that purpose. He/She shall sign all certificates of membership. He/She shall keep the records of the corporation. He/She shall record in a book kept for that purpose the names of all members of the corporation together with their address as registered by members.

  • Todd Wilke

    Todd Wilke

    Todd has been a part of Cimarron since moving to Tucson in September of 2021. Most of his professional career has centered around international containerized shipping from 30 years living in Miami, Florida. During that time, as a real estate hobby he built 4 homes and remodeled 6 in the Coconut Grove area. His education consists of a Bachelor’s Degree in Marketing with minors in Spanish and French. Originally from Kansas, he moved to Miami and more recently to Tucson via a brief stay in Huntington Beach, California.