

Cimarron Foothills Estates is a community nestled in the foothills of the Santa Catalina Mountains in north Tucson, Arizona. Established in 1975, Cimarron Foothills Estates has individual lots of approximately one acre each. All but ten to fifteen lots have been developed, with most of the balance held for buffer areas. As a result, very little new construction is expected in the future.


Cimarron Foothills Homeowners Association began as Cimarron Foothills Estates in 1975. Mr. Lynch from Dallas, Texas, began developing the land, carving 408 estates from the rolling terrain. Control of the development was transferred to the Cimarron Foothills Homeowners Association Board of Directors in early 1980.

Board Meetings

Board meetings for the foreseable future are being held virtually from 6:00pm to 8:00pm on the 4th Tuesday of every month. Homeowners can contact a Board member to request an invite to attend the Zoom meetings.

Annual Meeting

The Cimarron Foothills Estates Annual Homeowners Meeting is typically held on the 4th Saturday of January at Catalina Foothills High School. Look for an email approximately a week before the next annual meeting for details.

Trash Pick-up Day

Republic Services picks up garbage and recycling on Fridays.
In the weeks of the following holidays pick-up is on Saturday rather than Friday: New Years Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving, Christmas Day.
Republic Customer Service: 520-745-8820

Annual Dues

Your annual dues fund 24-hour/7 days-a-week security service and weekly trash and recycle pick-up.In addition, annual dues also fund entrance maintenance and re-vegetation, newsletter and website publication, clerical/bookkeeping service, attorney and architect fees, and other functions deemed necessary by the Board of directors.

Dues are currently $700 per annum, payable in January.